Light in the Well > Team Showcase > Ferol Jeanne Grode

Ferol Jeanne Grode

    Ferol Jeanne Grode is a 28-year-old young lady.  She was born with a chromosome mutation called Partial Trisomy 13.  Ferol loves her brother Kegan and has many wonderful aunts, uncles and cousins and grandparents.  Ferol loves to go to her day program at Chisago Lakes Achievement Center.  She also enjoys horse therapy, music therapy, riding her bike, being on the computer and going on pontoon rides.  Her favorite time is spent with her Aunt Laurie watching Blues Clues.

    Ferol has had multiple surgeries to repair her cleft lip and palate, two cranial surgeries, a major jaw surgery and foot repair surgery.  She has regular occurring seizures and is developmentally delayed.

    Despite all her disadvantages, Ferol is a very happy, fun loving, try anything kind of person. She loves to laugh and be silly.  Ferol’s family has been very blessed to have such a wonderful person in their lives.  She has shown us that with God, everything is possible and to never give up.