Your donation enables people with disabilities and their families to share their stories and showcase their talents. Thank you!
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Live Performance
Light in the Well is a multi-sensory performance illuminating the experiences of people with disabilities and their families through orchestral music and storytelling.
We had our first public performance on October 3rd and the audience response was overwhelming. Many people cried and stated that they were touched in a deep way. Due to COVID restrictions, we only had a limited number of tickets for our live show. However, we were so eager to share Light in the Well with you that we are making a recording of the performance available!
We hope through Light in the Well, you will be able to glimpse what it is like to have a child with disabilities. The Light in the Well team envisions a future that embraces the diversity and inclusion of people with disabilities in society, whether they are in school, working or simply living in the community.
About the Instrumentation

Our Mission and Purpose

This is so impressive! I regret I missed this show as I enrolled at McPhail last year. So I look forward to the Landmark show this October.
It was great to experience the performance online, since I couldn’t be there in person.
So glad you were able to watch the performance online! You will have to come in-person the next time!
What a wonderful show! We need more of Light in the Well!
Thank you so much May! We appreciate you!
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